Craft 2014 Budapest – Short Summary
The Craft 2014 conference has just finished on Friday. It was a really great event with well known and professional speakers. Among the presenters you could find Douglas Crockford, Bruce Eckel, Chad Fowler, Eric Evans, Theo Schlossnagle and Ian Robinson just to name a few.The conference focused on software craftsmanship from both technical and – kind of – social perspectives. There were numerous speeches on distributed systems, proper system design and resilient architecture while talks on the social aspects also gave insight into professionals’ approach. Before sharing a link about the talks I really highly regard it is important to note that all the talks are available via Ustream from the conference’ homepage
And so here is the meat:
Theo Schlossnagle – Responsibly Maximizing Craftsmanship in Software Engineering
Jeff Hodges – Distributed Systems in Production
Dan North also had a fabulous talk on improving and learning software craftsmanship. Unfortunately it is not yet uploaded, but I will refresh the post as soon as it is available.
As Theo Schlossnagle wittily mentioned that these conferences can be seen as a group therapy I can assure you that Craft 2014 was highly inspiring and make you to carry on in your way from journeyman to master.
And of course great thanks for the organizers: Medea Baccifava (Prezi) and Gergely Hodicska (Ustream) 😉